Writing and Music by John Kirnan

Messengers – a poem about peace

Posted by John Kirnan on August 1st, 2012

This poem is from "The Hard Won Hush." It's about peace, the lack of it, the real possibility of creating it, and one of the ways it can begin. You could say that “Messengers” is my peace pipe. Please feel free to pass it round the circle.

We've created two versions to make it easier for you to share: the excerpt above, and the full poem below.

Messengers The differences  between us  are many and they mean  nothing    Don’t believe what others say    I’m not your enemy    There is a child  sleeping    He is  impossibly yours    He is  perfection    Where words end    he begins    Your voice  singing love  pure love with every note    singing your world  in your tongue   to your son   tonight   that voice is mine    Your hand  that reaches   to express the depth   to needlessly, needfully  smooth hair into place   to touch with respect   the grace of small fingers   that hand is mine     Your eyes  that now discover  what everything means   the path of family on a spiral of years   your eyes   that catch magic   alive and unhurt   then blur  and, for a moment   see so much more   those eyes are mine    Your heart is my heart   your strength is my strength   your father, my father   your son, my son  We must listen to the truth   these sleeping children speak  these peaceful little messengers   these tiny dreamers  in our  darkness     Don’t believe what others say   I’m not your enemy     The differences between us   are many   And they mean  nothing


One Comment to Messengers – a poem about peace

  1. Pat says:

    So beautiful!

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