Writing and Music by John Kirnan

Lost Tracks 3 – “Solo Flight”

Posted by John Kirnan on May 23rd, 2013

I think I'd like to do more with this music someday. In the meantime, I see no reason not to post it as is. This is the “Lost Tracks” section of the site, after all, and anything goes. Also, in some ways, even though it's only a guitar solo and drums, to me, it somehow already feels complete. I guess the explanation for that is somewhere in the title.

This time around, it's just me and the Doctor. I'm not sure whether or not Louis has even heard this piece. Actually, come to think of it, it's possible that no one's ever heard it. Those voices you hear at the beginning and end of the song don't belong to real people. Well, yes, of course, they do belong to real people, it's just that those real people weren't actually in the room when I was recording (more on that in one of the next posts).

Something that I particularly wanted to mention is that the beautiful artwork above was painted by Marian Buchanan. It's called “Breaking Free” and it's from her astrology series. If you'd like to see more of her work, just go to her Zoetic Endeavours website.

After finding “Solo Flight,” I decided that I wanted to illustrate it with a picture of someone flying. Unfortunately, the faeries that I know are somewhat shy about such things and it's always hard to drag angels away from their work. Besides, it was more a regular human with wings that I had in mind. Though, at one point, I was willing to settle for a nice photograph of a bird in flight, I felt that, with that too, I'd probably have a hard time finding anything close to what I was looking for. Then I suddenly remembered Marian's painting. It was one of those moments when a perfect solution pops into your head out of nowhere, one of those times when you say, “oh... OH... OH...,” with each “oh” getting louder than the last one as you realize that you've just discovered the very thing that was probably supposed to be part of your project all along.

Well, I'm off to dig up more of the past. Speaking of which, for anyone wondering what happened to the “Green to Gold” album, I am still planning on re-releasing it. It's just that it's a big project and that tricky little thing called Life keeps getting in the way. But I'll be back soon with some newer songs. Till then, a wish -


May flight be more than Fancy
May Light be more than lie
May wind be more than weather
And your wings find the sky.


“Solo Flight”

Written by John Kirnan
Drums - the incomparable Dr. Rhythm
Electric guitars – John Kirnan

To check out the third Lost Tracks song, right-click on this link and select Save Link As to download the mp3 file: Solo Flight

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